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Mother’s Day spa packages

By March 16, 2011June 10th, 2013TOR posts

Spring is already upon us, and so is that most important of days, Mothering Sunday. As well as our everyday packages, we have added an extra one, especially for this occasion.

Mother’s Day spa packages for 2011 – Price £139

Start off the day with a Full Body Salt Exfoliation, followed by an unwinding Back & Shoulder Massage. Later you will experience TOR’s exclusive Alepam Facial. Relax in the expert hands of our ayurvedic therapists as they spoil you with a fruit sensation for your face. Let your face experience seven stages of pampering. While the mask is in place, lay back and enjoy a mini Indian Head Massage and a Hand Massage.

Mother’s Day Spa Gift VouchersAvailable

A simple yet fantastic gift, no queuing in the town, no problems with wrapping and sent directly to the recipient if required. It’s just a great way to treat your mum on Mother’s day. Contact us now tel:01227 728 500