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TOR Spa Retreat – Selfcare…

By January 16, 2024TOR posts
With the weather remaining a tad on the colder side, we thought we’d share this beautiful photo of the Spa in the snow from a few years back, and post it with a reminder that goals can be set at any time of the year.

There is something to be said for the winter and its ability to force us to slow down and reflect, both on the days that have passed but also the year that lays ahead. As we head into the third week of January, talk already begins to turn to the idea that we have already failed our new year’s resolutions.

But maybe we are looking at it wrong. Maybe it is not a winning or failing, black or white scenario. Maybe the cold, short days of winter are here to make us sit back and contemplate what shape we want our lives to take once the sun comes back and the world springs back to life. The all or nothing approach combined with a punishment narrative can only lead to failure, especially in days that are harsher and more contemplative than most. As local writer Katherine May says in her book ‘Wintering’ “We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones. Given time, they grow again.”

Remember, there is nothing magical about January first. You can begin again whenever you choose. But when you do, make sure you do it with kindness.

Here at TOR Spa Retreat, we have spa packages to suit all of your needs. Time in our beautiful spa starts from as little as £35.00 and treatments at £30.00. Why not treat your self to a little selfcare this January.

Please see our website for our full range of packages packages/ Ayurveda Retreat UK | Kent Detox Spa | TOR Spa Retreat and call 01227 728500 to book.

#kentspa #wintering #goals #spadestination #selfcare #2024 #bluemonday #mentalhealth #torspa